SEO Optimization : Do follow or no follow
SEO Optimization will always focus in one major factor which is Backlink. Backlink is kind of voting system to the targeted website. For example if some one has refer to your website because you have a good content, he/she is also giving you a backlink. The question come to how good is that backlink in term of SEO Optimization technique and SEO Optimization Operation? What is the best backlink or link juice in regards to the search Engine optimization.
There are two major types of Backlink which is dofollow link or nofollow link. This term is only applicable for Google searching engine. Google will look into this rel attribution in indexing your website. You probably wondering who do you need to know this term. Dofollow link is actually the link that giving you a credit and vote for your website where nofollow link act otherwise. If you want to make your website or blog like blogger.com to be Dofollow link especially in the comment form here is the step you should do.
1. Login into your blogger.com account
2. Go to Layout, click Expand Widget
3. Use your browser (firefox or Internet explore etc) search the word of Nofollow and replace it with Dofollow
Why should you do this? It very simple, the moment you appreciate people, people will appreciate you too. When you give dofollow link for those people who are leaving their comments, you are actually vote for them.
Technorati Tags:SEO Optimization, Search Engine, SEO
nice information about do follow and no follow . thanks for sharing information.