Belajar SEO - 1 July 2008
It kind of not very stable on the position of this blog. It is something that i need to study. No doubt, the serp position will never stay at one place as long as new blog is coming and that is why we have to maintain the blog. How to maintain and what to maintain? Belajar SEO is actually continuous process.
1. Content
I think we have to update the blog from time to time because Google like the fresh content.
2. Backlink
Establish the backlink as many as we can BUT get the quality ones.
1. Content
I think we have to update the blog from time to time because Google like the fresh content.
2. Backlink
Establish the backlink as many as we can BUT get the quality ones.
time to build up the quality backlink
salam kenalan..
emm, sy rasa blog ni masih baru lagi..
tp bila seacrh dgn keyword "belajar seo", blog ni di rangking kedua sy tgk..
emm, apa rahsia nye tu?
blh kongsi2 kan..
biasa-biasa je teknik ni.
ye la..
biasa-biasa tu mcm ne ek??
kongsi2 la sikit..huhu
sy dah pening ngan blog sy yg satu ni, susah betul nak masuk dlm search engine google..
sedang blog sy yg mula2 tu senang pula nak masuk dlm search google dgn keyword "online opportunity seekers", "online business seekers", blog utk keyword ni cepat je masuk dlm search google..
tp blog yg satu lagi ni susah tul nak masuk dlm search google..
knp ek?? blh bantu..huhu
Blog awak mortgage tu memang banyak saingan. Anyway i like the way you blend your adsense.
1. Submit to social bookmarking
2. Build Backlink.
Tp blog sy yang online opportunity seekers tu byk juga saingan nye, tp masib blh masuk dlm top 10 search google..
cum blog yg mortgage ni je susah sngt nak masuk, dan blog mortgage ni ni, sy just tumpukan keyword "mortgage rates predictions" , saingan tak berapa byk mana, tp blog mortgage sy susah sngt nak masuk top 10 google..
tak tau la nak buat mcm ne lagi..
Berkenaan dgn meta tag, adakah ia masih berkesan??
utk build backlink tu mcm ne??
sy tak berapa faham la..