Belajar SEO-5july 2008
What do we learn today?I was uploading video for my google adsense and somehow i found out one interesting video in youtube that talk about SEO. I bet you know him too. Matt cutts is one of the main players in google and everybody like to refer to him to get additional info while playing with Google searching engine. below is the video that i found out.
Ok. So what are the tips that we can learn from this video.
1. Your Keyword on your page
You must have your keyword on your main page. If possible try to put it on top of the page. Matt cutts has already indicated that we must think what people are going to type in the search engine and therefore we have to include that keyword in our main page.
2. Tags your blog/website.
I agree with Matt cutts advice. we MUST enter a proper tags especially the Title and this TITLE must also include your keyword. Another tips from his is the meta tag description. Yes, this tag is act as the summary of your website and people will always read it first before that click on it.
3. Backlink
Matt cutts reminded again that baclink still play a major roles in listing a website in google searching engine. of course the Quality backlink is the most juices one. We must get the authority website to link to our website and that help us in term of link popularity.
4. Blog and Post often
This is more to maintain the regular visitors so that they can discuss about website in your blog and make your blog dynamic and up to date in term of the content.
5. Use google free tools
I be frank i am never use this tools such as google add url and google webmaster sitemap to get index by google. But since Matt cutts is telling us about the usefulness of this tools, why not give a try :)
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